Émissions de polluants 50% open


What data is expected?

(French) Données quotidiennes sur la concentration de polluants dans l'air, particulièrement pour ceux qui sont potentiellement nocifs pour la santé humaine. Les données doivent être disponible pour toutes les stations ou les zones de surveillance de l'air dans une ville.

  • (French) Matière des particules
  • Oxydes de soufre (SOx)
  • Oxydes de nitrogène
  • Monoxide de carbone

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format DBF, SHP, SHX + referenced GeoTIFF
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date Yes Some data are update yearly, while some not.
Publicly available No
Available free of charge No
findable 2
findable_steps Visited the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency homepage and product service.
Collected by government Yes National Maps are maintained by The Latvian Geospatial Information Agency. The Latvian Geospatial Information Agency is the leading institution in the realizing of the national policy in the field of geodesy, catrography and geospatial information. According with the Geospatial Information Law and Regulations the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency one of the tasks is compilation and update of geospatial information basic data.
usability 2 Depends from purpose of usage. Often data are splited by nomenclature pages and rtraffic routes, stretches of water are.
collector_name The Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
Controlled access Yes
characteristics Scale of 1:250,000 (1 cm = 2.5km), Markings of national traffic routes, Markings of relief/heights, Markings of water stretches, National borders
location https://map.lgia.gov.lv/index.php?lang=2&cPath=4_15 - Product catalogue, https://e-pieteikumi.lgia.gov.lv/service/geospatial - Data request system

Apparently there is a WMS service by was done during the period of review.

Meta data

Data location   https://map.lgia.gov.lv/index.php?lang=2&cPath=4_15 - Product catalogue
   https://e-pieteikumi.lgia.gov.lv/service/geospatial - Data request system
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   DBF, SHP, SHX
Reviewer   Codrina Maria Ilie
Submitters   Pēteris Brūns
Last modified   Tue Dec 13 2016 08:09:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)