Projets de loi 45% open


What data is expected?

(French) Il s'agit des données sur les projets ou propositions de lois discutés au parlement ainsi le vote desdits projets ou propositions (ne pas confondre avec les lois déjà adoptées). Les données concernant ces projets et propositions de lois doivent être disponibles lors de toute la durée de la session parlementaire.

  • (French) Contenu du projet de loi
  • Rapporteur du projet de loi
  • Comptabilisation des votes par député.e, sur le projet de loi
  • Transcription des débats sur le projet de loi
  • Quantité des précipitations
  • Probabilité de précipitation
  • Prévisions du jour + des quatre jours suivants

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 3
findable_steps Searched for the government organisation providing weather data, using the World Meteorological Organisation database. Then I went on multiple sub-pages to find the data. The naming of these pages was not always clear, making it harder to find the data.
Collected by government Yes
usability 1
collector_name Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología
characteristics Temperature extremes, Wind speed, Wind direction, Precipitation Amount
location - Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, Weather maps based on mathematical models, - Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología,
Historical data for precipitation amount, temperature extremes and wind speed can be found at: This interface allows to retrieve weather observations for each single measurement station (need to be requested individually). The data is available as XLS, and it seems that the original submission wrongly referred to this data. Forecasts for current day and following two days are available at: as well as under The forecasts are all presented as javascript features embedded on the website, or are published as PDF. They are not machine-readable. Also it could not be verified wether the data is in public domain or not. An open license is missing, and a copyright notice states that all rights reserved to INAMEH. Therefore the reviewer changed the submission to "No open license/no public domain".

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Meta data

Data location - Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, Weather maps based on mathematical models - Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología,
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   Danny Lämmerhirt
Last modified   Thu Mar 09 2017 11:37:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)