The original submission was rejected because forecast data is not available for all required data characteristics.
Current measurements and 24 hours forecasts are available in different heat maps at this URL: These maps are not downloadable, and the heat map does not contain a legend that would explain the values. Forecast maps presenting precipitation symbols etc. are provided here:
The data is not downloadable, and data are scattered across the website. Significant human effort would be needed to transfer the data into a form to parse it.
The copyright is unclear. There is a disclaimer at the footer of the website, stating "Todos los derechos reservados.
El MARN permite la reproducción total o parcial de la información,
agradeciendo de antemano consignar la fuente, así como su período de validez." However, the exact terms of use are not clear
The original submission was provided by The Next Services. Thank you for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.
No further comments to add.