Registre du commerce 0% open


What data is expected?

(French) Liste des entreprises enregistrées. La soumission des données de cette catégorie n'a pas besoin du détails des données financières telles que les tableaux des chiffres d'affaires.

  • (French) Nom de la société
  • Adresse de la société
  • Identifiant unique de chaque société
  • Registre disponible pour tout le pays

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
In an open and machine-readable format
Publicly available No
findable 2
findable_steps Search for government spending takes us directly to the website.
Collected by government No
collector_name INE, PorData
collector_non_gov Information is either widespread to a different variety of websites or only the overall spending budget is available.
Controlled access Yes
location -
There is no data available on day-to-day spending with individual record of transactions and complete informationa about it. According to IBP's Open Budget Survey the data exists (there is a year end report). Portugal government claims that they have reformed management of public accounts but the link where the data was acessible in 2015 is no longer available and no other place was found with the information: . Information available in INE only until the year 2011.

Meta data

Data location
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Diana Krebs
Submitters   Joana Solipa Batista
Last modified   Sat Jan 14 2017 12:19:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)