Projets de loi 70% open


What data is expected?

(French) Il s'agit des données sur les projets ou propositions de lois discutés au parlement ainsi le vote desdits projets ou propositions (ne pas confondre avec les lois déjà adoptées). Les données concernant ces projets et propositions de lois doivent être disponibles lors de toute la durée de la session parlementaire.

  • (French) Contenu du projet de loi
  • Rapporteur du projet de loi
  • Comptabilisation des votes par député.e, sur le projet de loi
  • Transcription des débats sur le projet de loi
  • Quantité des précipitations
  • Probabilité de précipitation
  • Prévisions du jour + des quatre jours suivants

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format CSV PDF
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available No
Available free of charge Yes
findable 1
findable_steps 1. Search on the web for Panama Weather forecast, 2. Click on the link for Open Data, 3. Register and access the platform There could be a quick user guide.
licence_url On the bottom they have the following disclosure (Im not sure if this is consider a license): The Department of Hydrometeorology makes available to its users the section OPEN DATA in Beta version. We are open to your suggestions please email us at The use of the data must recognize the Hydrometeorology Department of ETESA as the source of the information. Legal Note: The information provided through this section is of an official nature, however, ETESA is not responsible for the applications and / or interpretation of the data and products generated with them. The data downloaded for use with legal purposes must be requested from the Hydrometeorology Directorate for certification.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica (Hidrometeorología) Electric Transmission Company (Hydrometeorology) (Official Third party)
Controlled access Yes
characteristics Temperature extremes, Temperature average, Wind speed, Wind direction, Precipitation Amount, Precipitation Probability, Forecast for current day and four following days
location - Beta Open Data Plataform, - Extended report
The Electric Transmission Company (Hydrometeorology) is a third party affiliated with government. The license states: On the bottom they have the following disclosure (Im not sure if this is consider a license): The Department of Hydrometeorology makes available to its users the section OPEN DATA in Beta version. We are open to your suggestions please email us at The use of the data must recognize the Hydrometeorology Department of ETESA as the source of the information. Legal Note: The information provided through this section is of an official nature, however, ETESA is not responsible for the applications and / or interpretation of the data and products generated with them. The data downloaded for use with legal purposes must be requested from the Hydrometeorology Directorate for certification.

There is an open data portal for weather observations (not forecasts). It allows to retrieve data such as wind speed, wind direction, humidity, air pressure, etc. This data can be downloaded as XLS files. The reviewer agrees that it was very hard to find the data portal in the first place (there is no direct link to the portal on the main website, and also no link when using the site-internal search engine. Only a link to a press announcement appears). Since the portal does not provide weather forecasts, it is not considered for the Index. Forecasts are available for the current day for all characteristics (see here: One-week forecasts contain temperature and precipitation (downloadable as PDF here: There is a forecast for precipitation amount only, with a legend that explains what verbal descriptions of precipitation mean (e.g. strong rainfall = 25 to 75mm). Since wind forecasts are not provided for current day and following two days, not all data is considered to be available online. Thank you, Victor Díaz Navarro, for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.

Meta data

Data location - Beta Open Data Plataform - Extended report
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   Victor Díaz Navarro
Last modified   Thu Dec 15 2016 16:14:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)