Cadastre / Propriété Foncière 0% open


What data is expected?

(French) La carte des parcelles avec la délimitation et les informations d'enregistrement de la parcelle. Ces caractéristiques doivent être inclues dans les informations cadastrales soumises.d

  • (French) Délimitation des parcelles
  • ID de la parcelle
  • Valeur de la propriété
  • Type de bail

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
In an open and machine-readable format
Publicly available No
Collected by government Yes
collector_name Registro Público de Panamá / Public Registry of Panama
Controlled access No

Company data are collected by the Registro Público de Panamá / Public Registry of Panama. As mentioned by the original submitter, Victor Díaz Navarro, there are also two unofficial sources available: and All three sources require registration. According to the submitter, all four characteristics are available online free of charge on the Public Registry of Panama website, however the dataset is not downloadable at once and one can only print and see the scanned document on .PDF format inside their platform. Again, according to the submitter, the data are up-to-date, though not openly licensed/in public domain. The submitter found the data by researching on the web for national registry, then entering the query platform, logging in and entering a captcha code, and searching by different criterias. In order to verify the submission, I too registered on the Public Registry website ( - registration is free of charge) and from the top menu selected Web Services -> Services and Registration which leads to Registry Services and Queries Interface (the link provided by the submitter): Indeed, one needs to enter their username, password, and a captcha code in order to start a session. However, there appears to be a glitch on the page and it refuses to log in, stating that "either the username or password is not correct". Even after changing my password and using different browsers, the problem persists and it seems that there is no way for me to actually access the company data; if they are available at all. Hence, I am unable to verify that the dataset exists and have to reject the original submission.

Meta data

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Sun Mar 05 2017 21:52:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)