Lois nationales 65% open


What data is expected?

(French) Cette catégorie exige que toutes les lois nationales soient disponibles en ligne bien qu'il ne soit pas nécessaire que le compte-rendu de vote soit disponible.

  • (French) Contenu des lois
  • Date du dernier amendement
  • Amendements à la loi

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes According to the Freedom of Information Law the information that is published by institutions providing state functions can be interpreted as "generally accessible information" that is compatible with Public domain approach. The law does not require for the institutions to publish declarations or licences with the information (they can be provided on voluntary basis).
In an open and machine-readable format It can only be viewed online.
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes If there actual owner of the land it is available as a paid service.
findable 3
findable_steps I knew where the data was.
licence_url https://www.vvc.gov.lv/export/sites/default/docs/LRTA/Li
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Valsts zemes dienests
characteristics Parcel boundaries (inc. latitude and longitude), Parcel ID, Property value (i.e. Price Paid, Property Tax Value), Tenure Type (ie. leasehold, freehold, protected lands, public lands, customary lands)
location https://www.kadastrs.lv/varis# - Official data portal - view and discovery service, https://www.kadastrs.lv - information related to what data is available and how Must navigate to Maps

Meta data

Data location   https://www.kadastrs.lv/varis# - Official data portal - view and discovery service
   https://www.kadastrs.lv - information related to what data is available and how
Data licence   https://www.vvc.gov.lv/export/sites/default/docs/LRTA/Li
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Codrina Maria Ilie
Submitters   Toms Ceļmillers
Last modified   Wed Dec 14 2016 10:49:07 GMT+0000 (UTC)