Résultats électoraux 100% open


What data is expected?

(French) Cette catégorie de données nécessite les résultats par circonscription électorale pour toutes les élections nationales majeures.

  • (French) Résultats des élections aux principaux mandats électoraux
  • Nombre de votes comptabilisés
  • Nombre de votes invalides
  • Nombre de bulletins annulés

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes TO REVIEWER: The State budget is intended to be open and there are no copyrights or patents covering it. The webpage does not contain an official statement that it is public domain.
In an open and machine-readable format XLS Detailed budget information is contained in its appendices (XLS files), in particular in the Appendix 4. Note: the budget page shows incorrect file type icons. Appendices are XLS files even though the icons can make one think that those are PDF files.
Downloadable at once Yes Detailed State budget is located in a
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps Entered words "valsts budžets" in a search engine and clicked the first result.
licence_url -
Collected by government Yes
usability 1 The state budget is published as semi-structured XLS files (cell text indentation level shows budget entry hierarchy, not entirely machine-readable). I am uncertain if to rate the dataset usability as 1 or 2. The difficulty in using these files is that cell indention is Excel formatting feature and it can be lost when converting to other formats using open source tools. Without this information the budget file is useless.
collector_name Latvijas Republikas Finanšu ministrija https://www.fm.gov.lv
characteristics Budget per government department, Budget per sub-department, Descriptions for budget sections I am not sure how to evaluate if there are descriptions for budget sections. Every budget entry (spreadsheet line) has a title which can be viewed as a description.
location https://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/ - the main page for Latvia State budget, https://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/2017__ga - Latvia State budget 2017 (main page), https://www.fm.gov.lv/files/valstsbudzets/2017/FMLikp04_ - detailed 2017 budget file (XLS) To get to detailed state budget files (from Latvia State budget 2017 page) see "4.pielikums" for the main budget and "5.pielikums" for the special / social insurance fund budget.

Meta data

Data location   https://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/ - the main page for Latvia State budget
   https://www.fm.gov.lv/lv/sadalas/valsts_budzets/2017__ga - Latvia State budget 2017 (main page)
   https://www.fm.gov.lv/files/valstsbudzets/2017/FMLikp04_ - detailed 2017 budget file (XLS)
Data licence   -
Data format   XLS
Reviewer   Anna Alberts
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Tue Dec 13 2016 19:45:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)