Prévisions météorologiques 45% open


What data is expected?

(French) 5 jours d'information météo de température, des précipitations et du vent. La météo doit être donnée pour plusieurs régions du pays.

  • (French) Températures extrêmes
  • Moyenne des températures
  • Vitesse du vent
  • Direction du vent

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format HTML, PDF
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps Search for Laws of Kenya, Kenya Law website is listed first
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name The National Council for Law Reporting
characteristics Content of the law / status, Date of last amendment, Amendments to the law (if applicable)
location -

The original submission/review were modified to accurately represent the openness of the data, the data is not available in an open format, only HTML and PDF, and the data is not openly licensed. Kenyan laws are searchable using this database: Laws, amendments and all relevant dates are listed therein in HTML, with links to documents available for download in PDF.

Meta data

Data location
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Alyssa Beaton
Submitters   Alyssa Beaton
Last modified   Wed Mar 15 2017 17:47:16 GMT+0000 (UTC)