Marchés publics 85% open


What data is expected?

(French) Représente toutes les offres et attributions de marchés publics nationaux agrégées par ministère. L’évaluation peut aider les groupes à participer à l'offre et accroître la transparence du gouvernement.

  • (French) Attributions, (notification et avis) des marchés publics par les administrations centrales
  • Avis d'attribution des marchés par administration
  • Nom de l'appel d'offre
  • Description de l'appel d'offre

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes Published under Open Government License 2.0 of Japan.
In an open and machine-readable format DBF, GML, SHP, SHX
Downloadable at once No Must select each municipality 1 by 1.
Up-to-date Yes Updated with statistics data. National Statistics or Major Census are carried out every 3 or 5 year.
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 1 Slight tricky. 1. open estat page. 2. go to "download statistics" 3. select municipality and click "検索/search" 4. boundary data would be shown at right side box.
findable_steps see comment of B2.2. Administrative boundary data is downloadable with statistics data.
licence_url English version. (guideline style. modified by each ministry)
Collected by government Yes
usability 1 Data is provided by each municipality. So if someone need the data of whole nation, he should download 1800 over data one by one and concatenate them.
collector_name Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau. "総務省 統計局" in Japanese.
characteristics Boundary level 1, Boundary level 2, Coordinates (latitude, longitude), Name of poligone (department, region, city), Borders of poligone
location - Download statistics and boundary data of each local government.
last year, I made entry of Kokudo Suuchi Joho (国土数値情報) administrative boundary dataset. It changed their license to restrict the use.

The following option needs to be selected to be brought to the right download page: 農林業センサス -> 年農林業センサス-農山村地域調査(農山村地域調査) -> 法制上の地域指定 Concur with submitter that for every Prefecture, there is one dataset to be downloaded. Thus, it is not downloadable at once. Your submission is valid. Thank you very much for contributing to the Global Open Data Index.

Meta data

Data location - Download statistics and boundary data of each local government.
Data licence
Data format   DBF, GML, SHP, SHX
Reviewer   Michael Leow
Submitters   Satoshi IIDA
Last modified   Tue Dec 06 2016 03:01:21 GMT+0000 (UTC)