Résultats électoraux 100% open


What data is expected?

(French) Cette catégorie de données nécessite les résultats par circonscription électorale pour toutes les élections nationales majeures.

  • (French) Résultats des élections aux principaux mandats électoraux
  • Nombre de votes comptabilisés
  • Nombre de votes invalides
  • Nombre de bulletins annulés

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format CSV
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps from the home page https://www.rgs.mef.gov.it follow the link for open data
licence_url https://www.agid.gov.it/cad/art-52-accesso-telematico-ri open by default: The data can be re-used freely under the terms of the license Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) https://www.dati.gov.it/iodl/2.0/
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
characteristics Budget per government department, Budget per sub-department, Descriptions for budget sections
location https://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/VERSIONE-I/OPENDATA/SpeseBS/2 - Spese del bilancio dello Stato , https://www.openbilanci.it/ - Open Budget Portal Italy for municipal data, https://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/_Documenti/VERSIONE-I/OPENDAT - The CSV file for the data

Meta data

Data location   https://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/VERSIONE-I/OPENDATA/SpeseBS/2 - Spese del bilancio dello Stato
   https://www.openbilanci.it/ - Open Budget Portal Italy for municipal data
   https://www.rgs.mef.gov.it/_Documenti/VERSIONE-I/OPENDAT - The CSV file for the data
Data licence   https://www.agid.gov.it/cad/art-52-accesso-telematico-ri
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Anna Alberts
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Sun Nov 27 2016 21:06:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)