Cadastre / Propriété Foncière 15% open


What data is expected?

(French) La carte des parcelles avec la délimitation et les informations d'enregistrement de la parcelle. Ces caractéristiques doivent être inclues dans les informations cadastrales soumises.d

  • (French) Délimitation des parcelles
  • ID de la parcelle
  • Valeur de la propriété
  • Type de bail

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format HTML
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date No last update: Oct 2015.
Publicly available No Data are available through a search mask and it is necessary to know the name of an entity in order to find it.
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps Website was mentioned on the Open Data portal (
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name Registrar of Companies, Israeli Corporations Authority, Ministry of Justice
Controlled access Yes
characteristics Name of company, Company address, Unique identifier of the company, Register available for entire country
location - Registrar of Companies, Israeli Corporations Authority

The original submission has been edited as the link to the Open Data portal provided by the submitter did not contain all four required characteristics. More specifically, the file contains the list of companies registered in the Registrar of Companies administrator, with the exception of companies having been deleted. The .CSV file, which is updated every week, includes company name, company number and date of registration with the Registrar of Companies for free, but no company address. The database is updated every seven days and is available under open license: Still, I was able to find the Registrar of Companies, Israeli Corporations Authority website. Company Name, Number, and Address are available for free in .HTML format through a search mask so it is necessary to know the name of an entity in order to find it. However, data are not guaranteed to be up to date, cannot be downloaded in bulk, and the type of license is not specified. I also came across IsraelBizReg, an Israel Company Register service in English: "All information for the reports produced by IsraelBizReg are obtained from the Israel Companies Authority. This is the national body in Israel that is responsible for registering corporations and is the most accurate source of information on Israeli business. Our process involves requesting and paying for the appropriate documents and information from the Israel Companies Authority, formatting, and translation from Hebrew to English." Company Name, Location, and Registration Number are available for free in .HTML both in a list form as well as through a search mask where one needs to type in the name or registration number of an entity in order to find it. More detailed information can be purchased. How often the data are updated is not made clear, and neither is the type of license. The data cannot be downloaded at once. The "Locating a Company" feature on the Ministry of Justice appears to be down - the page won't load. A list of 662 Company Names is available on the Israel Export Institute - Catalogue of Member Companies. No Identification Numbers or Addresses are available. A list of Public companies is available on the Israel Securities Authority website. Information include Company Name, Field, Register of Companies Number, Phone and Fax numbers, Website, but no Address.

Meta data

Data location - Registrar of Companies, Israeli Corporations Authority
Data licence
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Sat Dec 24 2016 08:49:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)