Cadastre / Propriété Foncière 0% open


What data is expected?

(French) La carte des parcelles avec la délimitation et les informations d'enregistrement de la parcelle. Ces caractéristiques doivent être inclues dans les informations cadastrales soumises.d

  • (French) Délimitation des parcelles
  • ID de la parcelle
  • Valeur de la propriété
  • Type de bail

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
In an open and machine-readable format
Publicly available No
Collected by government Yes
collector_name Registrar General's Department and Ghana Revenue Authority No such datasets on their website. I sent an email but no response after 5days.
Controlled access No

Your submission is valid. Thank you very much for contributing to the Global Open Data Index. The Ghana Revenue Authority ( and the Registrar General's Department, Ministry of Justice and Attorney General ( websites contains no company data. Submitter had sent an email to the websites but five days later they had yet to receive a response. On the Public Procurement Authority website, under "Registered Suppliers and Contractors", one can search for Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants which are registered currently with the Public Procurement Board in Ghana ( One can chose the company name from the drop-down menu, rather than by typing it in so in that sense, one doesn't need to know the name of an entity in order to find it. Alternatively, one can simply request "search" with all fields marked as "all" and a list with all companies will come up over several pages in .HTML format. Once clicked on an entity's name, one can see information including Company Registration number, Postal, Web, and E-mail Addresses, Telephone and Fax numbers, category, sector, products, and contact person. However, the list probably does not contain all Ghanaian companies as after looking for specific entities such as AngloGold Ashanti, Accra Brewery Company, and Aluworks, I could not find them. Hence, I am accepting the original submission and conclude that the required dataset was not available online.

Meta data

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Tue Jan 24 2017 09:14:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)