Cadastre / Propriété Foncière 100% open

Great Britain

What data is expected?

(French) La carte des parcelles avec la délimitation et les informations d'enregistrement de la parcelle. Ces caractéristiques doivent être inclues dans les informations cadastrales soumises.d

  • (French) Délimitation des parcelles
  • ID de la parcelle
  • Valeur de la propriété
  • Type de bail

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format CSV
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps No steps. I am a user of the data and have been aware of its location since the original release in 2012. However the dataset is easily found via Google using search terms such as: company data britain
licence_url Companies House maintains the data in a public register under statute. CH does not claim any intellectual property rights in the Free Company Data Product and therefore does not apply the Open Government Licence to the data. I have provided a link to correspondence from 2014 in which CH explains its position on re-use of the data.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 No data are usable without human effort. The data are formatted to be both human and machine-readable. However the dataset is too large to be easily managed in a spreadsheet programme so the user will need some basic knowledge of database software to manipulate the data.
collector_name Companies House
characteristics Name of company, Company address, Unique identifier of the company, Register available for entire country
location - Free Company Data Product

Your submission is valid. Thank you very much for contributing to the Global Open Data Index. All 4 required characteristics were found online: UK's companies' names, addresses and unique identifiers are included in machine-readable .CSV files that are publicly available and can be downloaded for free in bulk (in 5 parts) from the Companies House website. The website is easily found through a Google search for "uk chamber of commerce" which leads to a page directing to Companies House ( People have complained about corrupted data files and outdated data on the page ( so downloading them directly from the Companies House website ( is preferable. Data were lastly updated on 03/02/2017 (today's date is 07/02/2017). Although machine readable, some human effort is required to manipulate the data as the dataset is too large.

Meta data

Data location - Free Company Data Product
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   Owen Boswarva
Last modified   Mon Dec 05 2016 19:38:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)