(French) Cette catégorie de données nécessite les résultats par circonscription électorale pour toutes les élections nationales majeures.
Question | Answer | Comment |
Openly licenced | Yes | |
In an open and machine-readable format | CSV | |
Downloadable at once | Yes | |
Up-to-date | Yes | |
Publicly available | Yes | |
Available free of charge | Yes | |
findable | 3 | |
findable_steps | Google search on budget + france + 2016 | |
licence_url | https://www.etalab.gouv.fr/en/licence-ouverte-open-lice | |
Collected by government | Yes | |
usability | 1 | |
collector_name | Ministry of Finance and Public Accounts (Ministère des Finances et des Comptes Publics) | |
characteristics | Budget per government department, Descriptions for budget sections | |
location | https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/loi-de-finances-in - Budget Law 2016, https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/loi/2015/12/29/FCPX1 - Budget Law on website, https://www.economie.gouv.fr/vous-orienter/particulier/i - Budget website |
Accept. However, the machine readable data was only available on the open data government portal, and not on the ministry of finance website itself.