Statistiques Nationales 80% open

Dominican Republic

What data is expected?

(French) Les statistiques nationales clés : indicateurs démographiques et économiques telles que le Produit Intérieur brut (PIB), le chômage et les statistiques sur la population

  • (French) Produit National Brut
  • Chiffres du chômage au niveau national
  • Population nationale
  • Données disponibles par bureau de vote

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format XLS
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 1
findable_steps Busqué en google la página de JCE; una vez allí busqué en las distintas pestañas, hasta que bajo la pestaña "dependencias" ví una subpestaña denominada "elecciones 2016". Hice click en dicha pestaña y allí encontré varios varios cuadros que dan acceso a descargar los resultados electorales por nivel de elección, pero estos están en PDF. Al final, se encuentra uno denominado "Excel por Colegios".
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name Junta Central Electoral
characteristics Results for major electoral contests, Number of registered votes, Number of invalid votes, Number of spoiled ballots, Data available at polling station level
location - Junta Central Electoral (JCE) Website

Finding the data requires an extensive effort. Searched for elections results on Google, arrived in a webpage from JGE with the results available as PDFs hosted in ISSUU, downloadable as PDFs files. After that, it required further exploration of the website, to the Dependencias section where we can access the 2016 election results in PDF files. They do have all the required and optional data by electoral zone. By accessing to a new page, which accounts as the portal for electoral data ( it is possible to download the data as a XLSX files, with data by polling station. Same with past elections ( Submitter also had similar trouble finding the data. License seems to be closed. Paragraph reads: "All contents of the Portal de Transparencia de la Junta Central Electoral Web Site are: Derechos Reservados 2017 JCE and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved."

Meta data

Data location - Junta Central Electoral (JCE) Website
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   XLS
Reviewer   Paola Mosso
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Mon Apr 03 2017 20:53:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)