Qualité de l'eau 65% open


What data is expected?

(French) Données mesurées à la source d'eau et sur la qualité de l'eaux sont essentielles à la fois pour les fourniture des services et la prévention des maladies. Pour satisfaire les exigences à minima de cette catégorie, les données doivent être disponibles sur les niveaux des composants chimiques par source d'eau.

  • (French) Coliformes fécaux
  • Arsenic
  • Niveaux de fluorure
  • Nitrates

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No Update: licence is not clearly visible on National Statistics page (other government pages include license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/cl/)
In an open and machine-readable format HTML, XLS Unemployment: XLS Population: XLS Update: removed KMZ, CSV format (not found)
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date No Latest unemployment: 2010 Population up to 2012, predictions 2013 onward
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 2
findable_steps Básicamente de acuerdo al concepto o materia que se requiere, se hace la indagación en la web, teniendo en cuenta que la web permite filtrar los tópicos esenciales que buscamos
licence_url https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/cl/
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas Update: replaced Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia with Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
characteristics National unemployment, National population Update: added unemployment, removed GDP (unable to find, also looked on site of Central Bank)
location https://www.ine.cl/ - Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, https://www.ine.cl/canales/chile_estadistico/mercado_del - Unemployment data, https://www.ine.cl/canales/chile_estadistico/familias/de - Population data Added link to National Statistics & removed open data portal (not source but pulls together links, doesn't have key data)

This submission is valid, thank you for contributing to the Global Open Data Index. Removed KMZ & CSV from list of data formats. Added links to specific data on population, unemployment. Removed GDP as not able to find data. Amended B7 to no as open licence exists on some government pages but is not present on National Statistics page.

Meta data

Data location   https://www.ine.cl/ - Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
   https://www.ine.cl/canales/chile_estadistico/mercado_del - Unemployment data
   https://www.ine.cl/canales/chile_estadistico/familias/de - Population data
Data licence   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/cl/
Data format   HTML, XLS
Reviewer   Sophie Lafayette
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Mon Dec 12 2016 23:47:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)