Découpage administratif 85% open


What data is expected?

(French) Concerne les données du découpage administratif (contours géographique des différents niveaux administratifs : région, département, commune)

  • (French) Découpage de premier niveau (régional)
  • Délimitation de 2e niveau
  • Coordonnées (longitude, latitude)
  • Nom du polygone (département, région, ville)
  • Solides totaux dissous (Les SDT, ou solides dissous totaux, sont la francisation du TDS anglais. Le total de matières solides dissoutes estime le résidu total qui reste après évaporation d'un échantillon d'eau qui a été filtré afin d'enlever les matières solides en suspension de plus de 1 mm de grosseur.)
  • Données par type de source d'eau
  • Disponibilité pour le territoire national

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format CSV The extraction returns a .csv file automatically. Other information can be found only in .pdf format.
Downloadable at once Yes The dataset is downloadable at once but it is not an easy process. You have to set all parameters in the platform to "mark all options" and then extract the file.
Up-to-date No The platform has yearly data and the latest available is 2014.
Publicly available Yes For SNIS there is no need to request access or register, but there is a System from the Ministry of Health that I was unable to have access which is the SISAGUA (Information System for Human Consumption Water Quality Surveillance).
Available free of charge Yes
findable 2 I tried to find in many places, but it was not easy to find this source. I had to consult with specialists in the domain. After finding the platform, it took me some time to find the necessary information inside it.
findable_steps 1) Looked for "water quality data" at google; 2) Found some reports and information at the Water National Agency (Agência Nacional das Águas) in Brazil, but couldn't find something very robust; 3) Consulted with specialists, that showed me how to use the SNIS platform.
licence_url https://www.snis.gov.br/institucional-snis I couldn't find a specific license, but the institutional sheet at the main website of the platform shows a public use statement that roughly translates as "All data from SNIS are public, yearly updated and available free of charge to anyone interested".
Collected by government Yes The data is consolidated by the government, but it is originally provided by the water and sanitation companies in each municipality.
usability 3 Data is provided in a .csv file and it is easy to find municipalities and its indicators. SNIS also provided extensive material on methodological issues and guides to use the system and analyze the data.
collector_name Ministério das Cidades The brazilian Ministry of Cities (and more specifically the National Secretariat of Environmental Sanitation) is responsible for consolidating the data on water and sanitation in Brazil.
characteristics Fecal coliform, Fluoride levels, Data per water source SNIS provides information on fecal coliforms and fluoride levels both in absolute level (number of samples measured that reported being out of the standard) and as an indicator. The information is provided per water source and it was supposed to be available for the entire country, but only the municipalities that reported data are available, which is around 700 (Brazil has more than 5500 municipalities). Information on arsenic levels, nitrate levels and total dissolved solids were not found.
location https://app.cidades.gov.br/serieHistorica/ - Website of the SNIS (Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento), a platform that consolidates water and sanitation data in Brazil, https://dados.gov.br/dataset/mspainelsage_72/resource/0c - , https://dados.gov.br/dataset/mspainelsage_72 - The platform's name roughly translates to "National System of Sanitation Information".
There are some other possible data sources for this kind of information: The National Water Agency (ANA) has a portal for Water Quality Assessment (https://portalpnqa.ana.gov.br/avaliacao.aspx) that produces reports on the topic, but is really outdated; The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) has a Water Quality Map (https://www.geoprocessamento.icict.fiocruz.br/svs/agua/atlas.htm) that doesn’t seem to work correctly (at least when the survey was filled); and The Ministry of Health, as mentioned above, has a platform called SISAGUA (Information System for Human Consumption Water Quality Surveillance), but I was unable to have access, so I cannot identify what kind of information I could get there. The link is https://sisagua.saude.gov.br/sisagua/login.jsf

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Meta data

Data location   https://app.cidades.gov.br/serieHistorica/ - Website of the SNIS (Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento), a platform that consolidates water and sanitation data in Brazil
Data licence   https://www.snis.gov.br/institucional-snis
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Oscar Montiel
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Thu Nov 24 2016 20:44:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)