Statistiques Nationales 100% open


What data is expected?

(French) Les statistiques nationales clés : indicateurs démographiques et économiques telles que le Produit Intérieur brut (PIB), le chômage et les statistiques sur la population

  • (French) Produit National Brut
  • Chiffres du chômage au niveau national
  • Population nationale
  • Données disponibles par bureau de vote

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes Data is public and regulated by the brazillian law of access to information (, but there is no specific open license for electoral data.
In an open and machine-readable format TXT
Downloadable at once Yes There are plenty of different datasets, depending on what kind of data is needed. They are usually downloaded via ZIP file containing a text file per unit established in the dataset choice.
Up-to-date Yes Data for 2016 Mayoral Elections was available one day after the counting process took place.
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4 I'm acquainted with this kind of data, since I’ve been working with them recently, so it was really easy to me. But if you search “Eleições resultados”, portuguese for “Election Results” in google, the first links are those from TSE.
findable_steps 1) I knew before that TSE was responsible for Election Results data, so I just went to TSE webpage (, 2) I searched the menu "Elections" and then "Elections Statistics", 3) I clicked the link for "Election Data Repository".
licence_url The link is the same of the homepage of the Electoral Data Repository from TSE. The text shows its public use intention, but there is no specific license for it. The information is regulated by the brazilian Law of Access to Information, as shown above, and because of that, it is considered public. This link ( shows that there is no specific license. I'll use this space to ask: is it considered to be an international best practice to have specific data licenses for each dataset? I answered Yes in this question because data is public, even though there is no specific data use license.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 Some effort is required, since data is provided encoded. But all files come with a read-me file containing the correspondence between codes and descriptions.
collector_name TSE - Tribunal Superior Eleitoral Data is collected by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court, the highest judiciary institution in Brazil for electoral issues.
characteristics Results for major electoral contests, Number of registered votes, Number of invalid votes, Number of spoiled ballots, Data available at polling station level 1) Both National and Mayoral Contests are available at the same platform. For example: 2016 we had Municipal Contests and 2014, National Contests. Both happen every 4 years. 2) One of the datasets available is "Detalhe da apuração por município e zona" (Counting detail per municipality and electoral ward), which shows the total number of registered votes per municipality and electoral ward. 3) The number of invalid votes can be obtained in the same dataset above. This dataset also includes abstentions. 4) In Brazil, the voting process takes place with electronic ballot boxes. So, it doesn't makes sense to have spoiled ballots data, but the number of invalid votes from subjury ballot boxes can be obtained through the same dataset above. Those are invalid votes until a electoral judge decides if they are actually valid or nullified. 5) The "Detalhe da apuração por seção eleitoral" (Counting detail per electoral section) dataset shows data per polling station (ballot box).
location - Main page for all brazilian election data (Repositório de dados eleitorais, which means Election Data Repository). The session "results" in the left panel shows election results since 1945., - Here there is the general link for the TSE webpage. There are no specific links to get the information required for the dataset, but they are accessible through navigation. First, you choose the year and then you select what kind of dataset you need.

Voting process takes place with electronic ballot boxes. According to the legislation in place, invalid votes include: blank votes -those in which voters do not express preference for any of the running candidates- and void votes -spoiled votes that result from voters´ intention to spoil their vote by typing numbers that do not correspond to any candidate or political party when casting their vote in an electronic voting machine-. So submission is considered valid. Both National and Mayoral Contests are available at the same platform. For example: 2016 we had Municipal Contests and 2014, National Contests. One of the datasets available is "Detalhe da apuração por município e zona" (Counting detail per municipality and electoral ward), which shows the total number of registered votes per municipality and electoral ward. The "Detalhe da apuração por seção eleitoral" (Counting detail per electoral section) dataset shows data per polling station (ballot box). As for navigation, if you search “Eleições resultados”, portuguese for “Election Results” in google, the first links are those from TSE. Data is public and regulated by the brazillian law of access to information (, but there is no specific open license for electoral data.

Meta data

Data location - Main page for all brazilian election data (Repositório de dados eleitorais, which means Election Data Repository). The session "results" in the left panel shows election results since 1945.
Data licence
Data format   TXT
Reviewer   Paola Mosso
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Tue Nov 22 2016 20:20:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)