Budget 0% open


What data is expected?

(French) Budget d'Etat au plus haut niveau. Cette catégorie vise les budgets qui sont des dépenses planifiées par l'Etat pour les années à venir et non les dépenses exécutées.

  • (French) Budget par ministère
  • Budget par sous département
  • Description du budget par mission et par programme

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
In an open and machine-readable format
Publicly available No Content of bills and status of bills can be found at: https://www.diputados.bo/index.php/leyes/leyes-en-tratamiento. But data about author of bill is not always available. (As a reviewer I was actually not able to find the author on any bills, so I changed the original submission to indicate that this information was not available. All bills are actually written in the name of the Speaker of the House in which it originated- they do not show name of author). The Original Submission correctly indicated that information of votes on bills and transcript of debates were not available. The status of each bill is not made explicit. But the heading of the webpage states that these are bills not yet in force. The progress of the bills through the legislative progress can be traced by looking at the dated stamps on the first page of each bill which indicate receipt of the bill by each respective house.
Collected by government Yes
collector_name Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional Cámara de Senadores, Cámara de Diputados
Controlled access No
The original submission provided the URL for the Senate website (https://senado.gob.bo/legislativa) in addition to the website for the House of Deputies (www.diputados.bo/index.php/leyes/leyes-en-tratamiento). Although some data can be found on the Senate website, I used the website of the Deputies to review and score the submission because the Senate website provides very limited information. The Deputies website, however also covers the Senate (so in other words data for the Senate could still be found). The author of the bills (a required characteristic) could not be found and so B2 was answered with "No" and original submission was rejected. It is also worth mentioning that two optional characterstics: Transcripts on Bills and Votes were also missing. On the other hand two required characteristics could be found on the Deputies website: Content and Status of bills. The following apply to the available data only: -Free of charge: yes -Downloadable at once: no -Up to date: yes - Open domain: no - Format: PDF only. The original submission indicated that the data could be found on HTML. However, I changed this part of the submission because I could not find it on HTML. The only thing that is in HTML format is a very short summary of the bill. The actual bills are only available in PDF format.

The original submission was rejected because not all characteristics could be found. The previously published review was updated in order to accurately indicate that data is not available.

Meta data

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Juela Xhaferraj
Submitters   Juela Xhaferraj
Last modified   Wed Feb 22 2017 15:51:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)