Statistiques Nationales 100% open


What data is expected?

(French) Les statistiques nationales clés : indicateurs démographiques et économiques telles que le Produit Intérieur brut (PIB), le chômage et les statistiques sur la population

  • (French) Produit National Brut
  • Chiffres du chômage au niveau national
  • Population nationale
  • Données disponibles par bureau de vote

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes Unless otherwise noted in the materials excluded and rights reserved list below, material on this website, including publications, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence (CC BY 3.0).
In an open and machine-readable format CSV, TXT, XML
Downloadable at once Yes There is a wide range of datasets provided for download, The XML feed presents the entire download in Oasis Election Markup Language (
Up-to-date Yes Data is release progressively through the election day, and is maintained as an archive
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps google search
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Australian Electoral Commission
characteristics Results for major electoral contests, Number of registered votes, Number of invalid votes, Number of spoiled ballots, Data available at polling station level Invalid and Spoiled ballots are both recorded as Informal Votes
location - 2016 Federal Election results site, - 2016 Bulk file in XML format (OASIS Election Markup), - 2001-2016 Election Result Archives As well as the public site, the AEC provides a live XML feed for the Media on election day. These files present a complete form of the results.
The AEC data also contains the full distribution of preferences.

Navigation through the website to find elections results is pretty straightforward: Elections > Elections results: 2001 to present > Select election. Submitter noted that as well as the public site, the AEC provides a live XML feed for the Media on election day. These files present a complete form of the results. Invalid votes and spoiled ballots are recorded as “Informal votes” ( There is a wide range of datasets provided for download, the XML feed presents the entire download in Oasis Election Markup Language ( As for timely publication, submitter indicates that data is released progressively through the election day. The AEC data also contains the full distribution of preferences.

Meta data

Data location - 2016 Federal Election results site - 2016 Bulk file in XML format (OASIS Election Markup) - 2001-2016 Election Result Archives
Data licence
Data format   CSV, TXT, XML
Reviewer   Paola Mosso
Last modified   Fri Dec 09 2016 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)