Prévisions météorologiques 100% open


What data is expected?

(French) 5 jours d'information météo de température, des précipitations et du vent. La météo doit être donnée pour plusieurs régions du pays.

  • (French) Températures extrêmes
  • Moyenne des températures
  • Vitesse du vent
  • Direction du vent

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format JSON API, asmx
Downloadable at once Yes Through an API, see,
Up-to-date Yes The open data portal showed that the data was updated the day this research was carried out,
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 3 It is helpful to know the name of the legal information system. Many prominent google results for laws also lead to the RIS
findable_steps I went to the Austrian open government data portal,, and searched for "RIS".
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 Information is easily accessible and searchable at, obtaining bulk data via an API requires advanced knowledge and some effort.
collector_name Austrian Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt Österreich)
characteristics Content of the law / status, Date of last amendment, Amendments to the law (if applicable)
location - Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria ("Rechtsinformationssystem - RIS"), - RIS on the Austrian open government data portal,

This submission is complete in it's entirety and verified by myself the reviewer.

Meta data

Data location - Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria ("Rechtsinformationssystem - RIS") - RIS on the Austrian open government data portal,
Data licence
Data format   JSON
Reviewer   Veronica Green
Submitters   Mathias Huter
Last modified   Wed Nov 30 2016 12:49:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)