Budget 85% open


What data is expected?

(French) Budget d'Etat au plus haut niveau. Cette catégorie vise les budgets qui sont des dépenses planifiées par l'Etat pour les années à venir et non les dépenses exécutées.

  • (French) Budget par ministère
  • Budget par sous département
  • Description du budget par mission et par programme

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes CC BY 3.0 AT
In an open and machine-readable format XML https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/0d207682-c031-4cd0-af4d-9d40d229b57e provides an RSS feed in XML to the meta data of each bill
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date Yes
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 3
findable_steps I went to the website of the Austrian Parliament, https://www.parlament.gv.at, then clicked on "Parliament aktiv" ("Parliament active") and then clicked on "Regierungsvorlagen und Gesetzesinitativen" (Government bills and initiated laws). Typing "parlament gesetzesentwürfe" into Google showed the correct page on the Parliament's website as the second result (the first was for public consultations on draft bills). Correct.
licence_url https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/0d207682-c031-4c
Collected by government Yes
usability 1 To make the data usable, a scraper has to be used
collector_name Austrian Parliament Correct.
characteristics Content of bill, Author of bill, Status of bill Authors are in almost all cases ministries. The site names the ministry that initiated the bill (not the civil servants who drafted it). Debates are only available when the bill is discussed in the plenary, not when earlier drafts are discussed in committee (most committees are non-public). Votes in committee and in plenary are released per party/fraction, not per member of parliament.
location https://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/RGES/ - Website of the Austrian Parliament, https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/0d207682-c031-4c - Entry on the Austrian open government data portal, data.gv.at Websites can be translated but they do not appear to be offered in English.

As per instructions, it makes sense not to be overly restrictive with draft legislation data and to accept submissions if they do not meet all our characteristics. This data set has 3 of the 5 criteria content, author and status. It is easy to find and readily available. To be specific - Authors are in almost all cases ministries. The site names the ministry that initiated the bill (not the civil servants who drafted it). Debates are only available when the bill is discussed in the plenary, not when earlier drafts are discussed in committee (most committees are non-public). Votes in committee and in plenary are released per party/fraction, not per member of parliament.

Meta data

Data location   https://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/RGES/ - Website of the Austrian Parliament
   https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/0d207682-c031-4c - Entry on the Austrian open government data portal, data.gv.at
Data licence   https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/0d207682-c031-4c
Data format   XML
Reviewer   Veronica Green
Submitters   Mathias Huter
Last modified   Wed Nov 30 2016 13:16:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)