Budget 0% open


What data is expected?

(French) Budget d'Etat au plus haut niveau. Cette catégorie vise les budgets qui sont des dépenses planifiées par l'Etat pour les années à venir et non les dépenses exécutées.

  • (French) Budget par ministère
  • Budget par sous département
  • Description du budget par mission et par programme

How open is the data?

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Question Answer Comment
In an open and machine-readable format
Collected by government No
collector_non_gov There is no single agency that works on draft. Three agencies share this: the government organization that requires a law, the Ministry of Justice, the Cabinet Legal Committee. None of them share drafts to the public. The National Assembly also does not share draft to the public.
This is a huge problem in Afghanistan. Draft laws are secret to the government agencies. They hardly share with stakeholders.

Legislative Data for Afghanistan is not available to the public. User submitting data provides a reason as to why this data is not available. Comments read as follows: "There is no single agency that works on draft [legislation]. Three agencies share this: the government organization that requires a law, the Ministry of Justice, and the Cabinet Legal Committee. None of them share drafts to the public [...] This is a huge problem in Afghanistan. Draft laws are secret to the government agencies. They hardly share with stakeholders."

Meta data

Data location   Unknown
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Anton Shaffer
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Thu Dec 15 2016 11:07:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)