Cadastre / Propriété Foncière 15% open


What data is expected?

(French) La carte des parcelles avec la délimitation et les informations d'enregistrement de la parcelle. Ces caractéristiques doivent être inclues dans les informations cadastrales soumises.d

  • (French) Délimitation des parcelles
  • ID de la parcelle
  • Valeur de la propriété
  • Type de bail

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced No
In an open and machine-readable format HTML
Downloadable at once No
Up-to-date No
Publicly available No The data are available through a search mask and it is necessary to know the name or license number of an entity in order to find it.
Available free of charge Yes
findable 2
findable_steps AISA Website
Collected by government Yes
usability 2
collector_name Afghanistan Investment Support Agency/Ministry of Commerce
Controlled access Yes
characteristics Name of company, Company address, Unique identifier of the company, Register available for entire country
location - , - Investors Directory

The link provided by the submitter ( leads to a warning: "ERROR Unhandled Exception! Sorry for the inconvenience, you request cannot be entertained at this moment. Reason: The type initializer for 'Helpers.WebMeta' threw an exception. Login failed for user 'sepiacms'." It appears that the website cannot be accessed at this point in time. After searching for "afghanistan investment support agency (aisa)", I came across the page for the Investors Directory ( which offers basic company information (including company name, license number, and address) for Afghanistan. The data are free of charge but in .HTML format, and available through a search mask so it is necessary to know the name or license number of an entity in order to find it. They cannot be downloaded at once and it is unknown how often they are or when they were last updated. The page is very basic and doesn't offer any information as to whether the data are openly licensed/in public domain.

Meta data

Data location - Investors Directory
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Evangelia Kampouri
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Thu Dec 15 2016 11:01:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)