Registre du commerce 85% open


What data is expected?

(French) Liste des entreprises enregistrées. La soumission des données de cette catégorie n'a pas besoin du détails des données financières telles que les tableaux des chiffres d'affaires.

  • (French) Nom de la société
  • Adresse de la société
  • Identifiant unique de chaque société
  • Registre disponible pour tout le pays

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Openly licenced Yes
In an open and machine-readable format XLS, XML
Downloadable at once Yes
Up-to-date No
Publicly available Yes
Available free of charge Yes
findable 4
findable_steps I googled for the data and found the data in the first search result.
Collected by government Yes
usability 3
collector_name Ministry of Finance
characteristics Individual record of transactions, Government office which had the transaction, Name of vendor, Amount of the transaction
location - in Japanese, - published in PDF, Excel, and XML format (in Japanese). , - Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries., - Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries (database).

Meta data

Data location - in Japanese - published in PDF, Excel, and XML format (in Japanese). - Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries. - Expenditure review sheet of 5000 projects by all ministries (database).
Data licence
Data format   XLS, XML
Reviewer   Diana Krebs
Submitters   Masahiko Shoji
Last modified   Mon Dec 05 2016 11:53:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)